Podcast Amplification

Grow your podcast faster

(because... who wants to grow it slow?)

What is Podcast Amplification?

Podcast amplification is combining the power of podcasting with paid media channels.
It takes your best podcast content and uses the power of social media advertising to reach more people faster especially those who are interested in the topic your podcast covers.
Just like a guitarist can use an amplifier to increase the volume of his guitar so more people can hear it, Podcasters can use amplification to get more people to hear their podcast.

In simple terms:

Use ads to grow your podcast faster by getting it in front of people who actually want to hear it.

Imagine targeting people you knew who were dealing with the problem that your podcast solves
Or, imagine being able to market your podcast to people who listen to other podcasts in your niche.

Such is the power of podcast amplification.

Not only can you reach more people faster, but you can also ensure those people are highly targeted.

You know all that data that Facebook and Google have been stealing from us?

Well, now you can use it to your advantage and grow your podcast!

Here's the results you get when you solely rely on organic reach. Disappointing, isn't it?
Here's the results you get when you solely rely on organic reach. Disappointing, isn't it?

Why would you do podcast amplification?

Because you are the type of person who wants to grow a podcast faster than organic methods alone.

If you are going to put all that effort into creating great podcast content then you want to make sure it’s getting in front of the people it was meant for.

Years ago it was much easier to grow a podcast.

All you had to do was put it up on iTunes and post a couple of social media posts and you were off.

There was no competition.

But, times have changed and those days are long gone.
The things that used to work to grow a podcast don’t work anymore.

iTunes is flooded now with more than 770,000 active podcasts.

Organic social media reach is shrinking by the day.

No one is going to find your show by accident.

If you want to have a successful podcast then you need to promote it.

Here's the results you get when you solely rely on organic reach. Disappointing, isn't it?

Is podcast amplification expensive?

If you have made it this far down the page you are probably wondering how much it costs?

Which is a good question!

If you book in for a Podcast Amplification Strategy Call we can go through the costs and how you can get an ROI from podcasting together.

But… Do you know what is expensive?
Spending a year working on a podcast only to have no one listening to it.

All that time and money spent on equipment, hosting, editing, social media, websites, and more...

All that effort to have very few people hear your podcast is the expensive part.

How do I know this isn’t bullshit?

Here are the results we are getting from podcast amplification.

Side note*** If you would like to speak to some of our clients at Valher Media to hear the results straight from them then we can arrange it.

Would you like to see if podcast amplification can work for your podcast?

If so then click the button below and let’s get you booked in for a Podcast Amplification Strategy Call.

This is a one on one call with Charley Valher, in which we identify your best options for podcast growth and the results you can expect from amplifying your podcast.

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